How healthy is your fire station? How healthy is your fire apparatus? How clean are your turnouts after they are laundered? Is there fire contamination in your sleeping areas? Is there mold in your fire station? Is the exhaust from the fire trucks getting into the station? What if we have an OLDER station, are we safe? Where did these bed bugs come from? We have seen it all. We have a signature system to answer all of these questions and much more.
While we cannot prevent all humans from ever contracting cancer, there are many things that can be done in preparation for a fire call, at the scene, and upon return to the station that can greatly reduce firefighters’ exposures to the carcinogens found at every fire scene…even a small car or dumpster fires. Our Signature System works to minimize or eliminate the exposures that may lead to a cancer diagnosis. Our founder, Dawn Bolstad-Johnson was the first to publish on this topic in 1998 and has conducted sampling at nearly 100 unique fire scenes.
Corporate Headquarters: Phoenix, AZ
Safety Services are delivered Nationwide
Phone: 888-811-1966 | 602-881-3661